The most important activity at MERIP is to transfer the technology we develop to local communities so they can use it it for a more sustainable and prosperous life. The purpose of our capacity building and training program is twofold – income generation and raising conservation awareness. At MERIP we work with many different communities and at many levels.
Pohnpei’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network
Since 1999, a network of rurally based communities have worked with the Pohnpei State Government and the Conservation Society of Pohnpei (CSP) to establish no-take Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s) around Pohnpei. These communities have forsaken income from fishing in the MPA’s in order to preserve and enhance fish stocks for the future. CSP, the local governments and MERIP have partnered to develop sustainable alternative income projects for these communities to mitigate loss of income from fishing. Our main work in this area is teaching marine ornamental, fish and sponge farming to MPA community members.
Climate Change Adaptation
Impacts from climate change are increasing in the Micronesia region from sea level rise to increased chances of severe storms and ocean acidification. From 2015-2018 MERIP ran a grant from the Pacific American Climate Fund which was funded by USAID to increase public awareness of climate change and implement on the ground adaptation projects. Please visit our Climate Change page for more information on our activities.
Formal Education
MERIP has worked closely with the College of the Marshall Islands and College of Micronesia–FSM in teaching and development of aquaculture and marine science courses. MERIP staff have assisted in field visits for the College of Microneisa-FSM aquaculture class students since 2015.
View more event & training photos here.