Our Approach
Our business development and marketing program, provides farmers with start-up financing and small business development and marketing training. We provide local farmer’s access to international buyers and connect communities with regional development and capacity building organizations.
MERIP is a humanitarian, not-for-profit organization involved at all levels of the development cycle, from simple technology development to community capacity building and technology transfer and income generation through international market development. We are well poised to provide Micronesian communities with environmentally sustainable and economically viable skills to produce locally grown products for international markets.
Conservation and fisheries management are also a key focus at MERIP. Most aquaculture efforts focus around communities that have made a commitment to preserving Pohnpei’s natural resources through protected areas or ecosystem-based fisheries management planning. More recently, climate change has also been a major focus and MERIP has partnered with many partners (link to partner page here) to bring adaptation and mitigation projects to Pohnpei’s communities.
MERIP’s Strategic Initiative is that we will continue to have a significant impact on people’s lives by creating income generation in sustainable natural resource-based businesses or activites; developing innovative products through research and development; teaching and modeling best management practices; engaging local communities; maintaining existing, and developing new regional and local partnerships; finding new markets; and being able to quickly adapt to new opportunites and challenges.
Organizational Structure and History
Fr. Gregory Muckenhaupt S.J. originally established MERIP in 1997 with the goal of providing education and income generating opportunities for rural Micronesians. The institute was used for teaching students in the Ponape Agriculture and Trade School (PATS) marine science/agriculture program.
With the closure of PATS in 2005, MERIP once again became an NGO with a focus on sustainable income generation for rural communities of the region. MERIP has worked in collaboration with a number of partners since 2003 to establish sponge farming with Marine Protected Areas (MPA) communities around Pohnpei. In 2005, income-generating activities were expanded to hard coral, soft coral, giant clams and other marine invertebrate farming. MERIP facilities are based on the old PATS campus and are leased to us by the Roman Catholic Community of Pohnpei-Kosrae.
Decision Making within MERIP
A six-member board oversees all activities of the institute. All powers of the corporation, except as otherwise provided by its By-laws, Charter or Articles of Incorporation, are vested in the board of directors. MERIP is managed and run by an executive director and 8 staff, of which 6 are local.
hello do you guys offer wholesale to the United States?
HI Good Afternoon,
I am trying to get information about P.A.T.S. Is there any way you can give an email address as to records of students in that school. I understand that school has been shut down, but can you please pin point where I am able to get assistance regarding this. PLEASE thank you.
I am trying to obtain a certificate of completion for my husband.
I source fair trade and sustainable products for North America. I received your name from Trade Aid New Zealand. I am looking to source sustainable sponges for a US beauty brand. Could you send me a price sheet, payment terms and production lead times. I believe very much in your work. Thank you!
Please keep me informed of MERIP programs, products and progress.
I want to support your organization in any appropriate way. I would also like to visit Pohnpei in the next year or so for a week, if possible
.If you have time t refer me to a routing or tour source, Please email me.